Air France / KLM – a new booking tool for companies with cheaper tariffs incorporated
Air France / KLM encourages small and medium-sized companies to book directly. Is the integration of the website and the program for companies sufficient arguments? French Dutch group has strong advantages in hand.
Another movement on the product distribution market for companies towards avoiding intermediaries. After the revolution proposed by HRS, the innovative approach of the Spanish start-also Roibos. We look at the new solution from the French-Dutch Air Group.
A self-booking tool based on the airline website
A new tool from KLM / AF is based on two foundations. The first of these is the tariff offer available on the Carrier’s website. Although the French-Dutch group is not as radical in the distribution revolution, as LH is and so prices offered on the site are apparently lower than those present in agency booking systems. Differences can reach even more than 10 percent ..
But this is not all, the second important advantage is integration with a program for small and medium-sized Blue Biz companies. This solution was very positively distinguished by competition. First of all, an easy / transparent enumeration of benefits and a well-thought-out way of spending the accumulated points.
Such a parameterized offer is a really interesting proposal for those who can do without the benefits of service by the agent for business travel.
In the new platform, we maintain all the benefits of Blue Biz
The new solution does not limit our privileges known from the Blue Biz program. So we have to change the names in selected tariffs, priority during the boarding, as well as the possibility of spending points for additional services as upgrade. Or a very beneficial solution, which is partial payment using program points.
And this is not everything if we travel a lot of AF / KLM lines (annual turnover PLN 100,000) can be reported to KLM / AF commercials. There is a chance to get additional discounts on the most frequented routes. Discounts can reach up to 20 percent. In the business class, on European routes in economic classes it will be a maximum of 10 percent. Of course, real discounts from the entire turnover / gross expense will not be so high, but also is an interesting addition to a discount / cash back, what can we generate while collecting Blue Biz points.
For which companies this solution can be an interesting alternative
Independent Booking of the KLM / AF’s business trip in a company based on this tool is primarily a proposal for companies whose travels are quite regular. Ideally, if they are also held on the destinations of Amsterdam or Paris / France. But not only, but we should also consider them when we are often flying to the Americas.
Certainly in a specially interesting company from Małopolska and Pomerania, where the aviation group product is constantly improving and meets the requirements set for him by business travelers.
It must be remembered that independent booking of business travel directly with suppliers is a bit embarrassing, it will rather hard to do it with a lot of suppliers. That is why loyalty and efforts are so important to limit to max 2 air suppliers (air groups). Then we can embrace it.
Potential savings we can generate this probably no more than a real 5-10 percent. What is generally not a big number. In the service itself, paradoxically more importantly, additives within the so-called Corporate Recognition.
Corporate Recognition – can be much more worthy than program savings
If we are a small/medium company, we certainly do not spend more than 100,000 zlotys annually. Even if a new tool will allow us to save about 5 percent., We have a savings of PLN 5,000. A much higher „profit” can give us Corporate Recognition.
Changing names in selected tariffs – this is an extremely useful function when we will turn a delegated employee, eg for the fair.
Preferences in a crisis situation – here we will be specially treated in the case of, for example, canceling our connection.
Less types of benefits are those that allow preferential confirmation of the waiting list or faster entry to the plane during boarding.
These minor benefits seemed to paradoxically – help us generate greater savings than those resulting from percentage discounts and collected points. Therefore, it is worth using solutions such as offered by AF / KLM.
Booking direct all travel, however, is little sensible
Certainly, other lines will go largely in the direction designated by KLM / AF, but not everyone can count on a good market reception. To not count on them, you need to have strong arguments.
Such a market share / strong position on several regional airports, a very strong geographical specialization, as regards the destinations offered or technological innovation. In the case of KLM / AF, we have at least 2 out of 3 conditions.
However, it is difficult to imagine that companies organizing business trips can embrace more than three tools. Certainly outside the KLM / AF, the only ones who have a chance to actually introduce them is LOT, Lufthansa group, or one of the Gulf carriers. Although in the latter case, it can be pointed out on Emirates, which Dubai is a key winter business direction. Unless LOT would be tempted by this argument to knock out with the hand of the Gulf player.
The growing popularity of tools such as offered by AF / KL can cause that hybrid business travel management will be increasingly popular. Some of them can be booked directly with suppliers, and these harder / more demanding areas will continue to handle agents. However, such a kind of work with business trips will only apply to small and medium-sized companies. Large will want to have this kind of service in one place.
We are waiting for the opinions of companies and the adoption level of a new tool. Link to log in to this instrument can be found here.
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