28 listopada 2020
Luxury Travel – market in Poland – more agents to compete in this lucrative niche
Which are the leaders in the Luxury Travel segment in Poland? Are boutique agents important…
28 listopada 2020Uncategorized,User-generatedpolishmarket,#luxurytravel
24 listopada 2020
A year of helping polish travel agents equals their annual VAT
According to the Polish Association of Tourist Agents, agents pay about PLN 135 million to the…
24 listopada 2020Tour Operators,User-generatedagenci turystyczni
23 listopada 2020
Women-only – tourism gaining ground in Poland – new trend on the Polish market ?
Is women-only tourism really growing? what are the key drivers for that trend ? Are Ayurveda/ Yoga…
23 listopada 2020Uncategorized,Tour Operators,Poland,User-generated#womenonly,#outgoingpoland
21 listopada 2020
Long haul touristic destinations from Poland with great result in 2019 waiting to restart again
What were the most popular long-haul tourism destinations from Poland? Which ones grew the most?…
21 listopada 2020Uncategorized,Transportation,Poland,User-generated
21 listopada 2020
Polish Prime Minister: winter holidays accumulated in two weeks. Tourist traffic is to be as low as possible
In Poland schools will remain closed until December 24 and there will be drastic changes in the…
20 listopada 2020
LOT plans to re-enter on charter market as anti-Covid strategy worked well during summer 2020
During summer 2020 LOT has offered several sunny destinations to the points which were never served…
19 listopada 2020
Poles among most welcomed tourists on several key markets
Why are Poles considered most the welcomed tourists ? Which markets are top sellers in Poland? Are…
19 listopada 2020Poland,User-generatedLOT,polishmarket,destinations
17 listopada 2020
12 mln klientów w Turcji to nieźle jak na ten rok. Lato 2021 będzie walką o przetrwanie
Jesień to nadal dobry moment, by wybrać się do Turcji – dla krajów europejskich nie wprowadzono…
17 listopada 2020Komentarz Tygodnia,Opinion,User-generatedTurcja,Corendon
26 września 2020
Rafał Marek: marzę, że za 3 lata będzie nas pół tysiąca
O tym, że nowoczesna izba turystyczna powinna stawiać na profesjonalizację i strać się o pomoc dla…
26 września 2020Komentarz Tygodnia,User-generatedRafał Marek,Krakowska Izba Turystyki