EL AL to launch new promo code tool offered by Minsait ( Indra group)
What new functionalities does the Minsait solution bring? Does it help deal with irregularities caused by Covid?
Israeli airlines boasted of a plan to implement ultra-modern e-commerce functionality. It is a new digitized code and discount mechanism offered by the market leader Minsait (from the Indra group).
Promo codes in the management of canceled flights
Interestingly, the communication also emphasized the potential of the new solution in the field of crisis management. It will probably give passengers who have had cancellations personalized vouchers. This is potentially a great relief for the carrier’s back-office services.
Promo codes would allow upselling for low paying/leisure routes
The pandemic will also bring significant changes to the aviation product mix. We are seeing an increase in the offer of scheduled flights to holiday resorts. In Europe, this particularly applies to destinations in the Caribbean and the more exotic Seychelles or the Maldives.
Here, too, promo codes can play a very important role, as it is usually difficult to sell the Premium or Business class offer on this type of flight. A properly profiled promo code can significantly help in this.
If the Minsait product also offers a discount on the upgrade. It would already be a real ideal in this area.
Promo codes for luggage, extra seat, sports equipment (Golf, Kite?)
Discounts on additional products can also offer great upselling potential. Especially luggage or a chosen place. Sports equipment is a separate category of interest. Golf equipment or kit equipment can be included in a personalized offer. Even if some of these offers require manual confirmation of availability, the code could also be available for use in off-line channels, such as Call Center or the carrier’s own offices.
Promo codes to promote destinations together with tourist organizations
A separate area that has not been explored so far is joint cross-promotion with tourist organizations. Promo codes can be a real pro-sales tool here. They have a number of advantages, are perfectly measurable and give a real result showing the sales effectiveness of the campaign. This is what the tourist budget managers expect.
Naturally, many regions / countries want to generate additional traffic during low seasons, configurable promotions allow you to target promotions just at such periods.
At one time in Poland, there were talks about a similar action subsidized by the Thai Tourist Organization. However, it was not finalized.
It should also be noted that such a promotional campaign has great viral potential. If we propose aggressive discounts, we can count on its multiplication, then the cost of the campaign will be only the value of the discounts. The cost of utilities may not be necessary or will be minimal.
Sponsors of this type of action may be not only tourist organizations but the attractions themselves. See theme parks such as Dubai Park and Resorts, or others looking to attract customers to their post pandemic opening.
Promo codes for dynamic packaging? To give the customer a sense of the uniqueness of the offer
Dynamic packing is a separate area, here also the lines can enhance the promotional effect by using promo codes. Agents specializing in dynamically packaged destinations will certainly be willing to accept the possibility of offering a cheaper than a publicly available ticket.
Digitized promo codes in bundles with partners from other industries
Additional potential of promo codes is cross promotion with other partners from the e-commerce industry. It is difficult for smaller airlines to find effective (at a reasonable price) marketing tools in foreign markets.
Often, however, in these markets, there are strong partners of the airline, originating from the carrier’s home country. They can help you reach customers based on the promo codes added to their offer.
In Poland, such a partner for LOT could be, for example, retail giants such as CCC or Reserved. The greatest potential, however, lies in game producers. Companies such as CD Projekt, 11Bit Studio or Playway sell their products around the world in tens of millions of copies. There is undoubtedly the potential for airlines to reach new customers. At a reasonable cost for this type of action.
Video games as a tool to promote destinations/tourism attractions
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