Long Stay market may be interesting for exotic destinations

Long-Stay offer for working remotely will be a new hit? Airlines by selling new exotic destinations will support this initiative.
Tourist Destinations are looking for a way to fight for a new kind of clients. Some of them are undoubtedly on wave ascending, like Dubai or Mexico. Others will have to work harder, as Thailand or in a similar situation of Sri Lanka.
Thailand tries to encourage Long Stay offers – you can convert them into a relocative offer
In a fairly interesting direction, Thailand is trying to go to Thailand, local DMC and supporting the Thai tourist organization attempts to promote „quarantine” long-stay offers. Although the prices of these offers are really attractive, it is difficult to recognize that in the present times are popular.
However, there is one important advantage of this offer – so we can easily modify it to receive an offer for digital nomads. Prices for a monthly stay that in hotels start at 900 euros per month, we lower in the case of a good class of apartments even by half.
This can be an attractive offer for digital nomads. If we add very attractive flights to Bangkok yet, we have a really good base of success.
At today, the Thai tourist organization does not promote the opening of such an action in Poland, but some tips are coming from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. On the local markets there were published publications describing in practice how to work remotely from Thailand.
Dubai does it anymore whether he will support this product – Expo is an opportunity?
Although Dubai is currently on the wave of rising, it will certainly be tempted to attract further customers. Digital Nomads are a gaze bitter. You will attract talents from the IT / Design or Life-stylish craft, and even e-sports fits perfectly in the idea of extending the golden visa project.
The opportunity for permanent acquisition of digital nomads will also be EXPO. Many companies exhibiting it can accommodate towards the idea of being built in the Emirates of your employee. Which could be a bridgehead of a company guarding its interests in the region.
Hotels in Dubai have already weathered chaser and present interesting long-term offers. Particularly very solid 3 * hotels can be an attractive idea to escape from Polish autumn-winter.
It is very likely that in a similar direction, Ras Al Khaimah will go – this specialized in the Sun & Beach market emirate has a very good hotel product. The offer seems to be ideal for digital nomads.
Other „cheap” destinations like Sri Lanka or Goa have shouting their chance
Sri Lanka and India (Goa) can also sound the chances of their chances. In both cases, the offer catalyzation can be direct air connections.
LOT has been flying directly on Sri Lanka, and it is very likely that soon will announce other winter connections, among which Bombay can be found, from which we can easily get to the Goa region.
Both destinations are interesting alternatives as part of the potential Long-Stay offer. Communication in English and low costs, as well as a relatively short flight (in the case of India). These are important advantages.
Interestingly, the result of LOT appearing on these directions was an active fight for the client started by other lines. As a consequence, the price on Sri Lanka, and especially to India fell significantly. In the latter case up to PLN 1400-1500.
Madeira and Canary Islands – these are natural leaders in the area of 5-6 hours. from Poland
Canary and Madeira Islands are natural leaders among directions from Poland by 5-6 hours. Although during the Polish winter they are not extremely warm directions, then the temperature there is more than tolerable.
In addition, Madeira has to offer a lot of interesting activities, eg for those who like trekking and mountain trips. Covid also significantly improved the availability of this island from Poland. Perfectly prices from Easy Jet from Berlin, good TAP offers and Lufthansy made their own. Also in this case, it can not be ruled out that the Madeira will served by LOT (for itaka). Although a better chance for direct flights from LOT are Canary Islands.
Canary Islands for years have been enjoying an este among Poles. They also in the face of Covidoid crisis can reach for a weapon, which is the Long-Stay offer.
Is there a real chance for others? Greece with Rainbow hotels could be open all year round.
Information about new Rainbow hotel investments in Greece is intriguing. Although Hellada is not very considered as a winter destination. The construction of a year-round offer, directed to digital nomads is possible.
Here, also with the help of a regular carrier, Greece became the most besieged direction of this summer. And the prices are really attractive. The battle for Crete is still ahead of us.
Air connection and cheap life at Distination key to success
The undoubted availability of aviation offer and its price attractiveness is an important element of the LONG-STAY product success for digital nomads. In this area it happens „thanks to Covid very much good.
Regular airlines are overwhelmed in ideas to launch another holiday routes. The Lufthansa Group betpersed the most popular ones. Soon to the battle will join the Eurowing Discover LHs, daughter.
LOT slipped a lot, but he must soon discover his cards. We expect Dubai, Cancun or Bombay or Sharm Al Sheik. Such a movement will certainly produce a pricing war and will reduce prices.
It seems certain that holiday connections in the regular line offer will be sure for good few years. Rivalry with Charter draws new perspectives for the market. This state of affairs will significantly favor the offer for „digital nomads”.
Dedicated air rates
In addition to the hotel’s offer, like this from Dubai or Thailand, special air tariffs would help in the promotion of the Long Stay package. It will not be difficult for their creation. You can imagine a special offer parameterized for Long-Stay. It could contain a minimum of stay in destination, eg 30 (and more days) also have some advantages in the field of changes in the return date or offer Return Open.
The Nomadi digital could also get, for example, a kind of subscription ticket, eg on a 3-5 trip during the year. This could be an interesting concept for airline, which guarantees specific revenue.
You must also assume that the relocating person can be a magnet attracting to friends or family, it generates further tickets. Digital Nomad could, for example, receive codes from the discount line to invite these people to each other.
Ideas to increase this cake, no shortage. For tourist organizations, such a person is also a consumer of a tourist product in Distination. After all will stay in a long time.
Airlines can prepare such an offer quite quickly – in particular, they can be new on the exotic market players. LOT for a moment will announce your new exotic connection network, Turkish Airlines also actively turn on the competition. The latter line has recently added Bali, Phuket, Mexico, Zanzibar and Maldives to its offer. The prices offered are really interesting.
You are like to beat in Poland – even 3 million people work on B2B agreements
Potentially, the market for the trip / relocative digital nomads can be counted even in millions of travel. In Poland, there are about 3 million people working on B2B agreements. To a large extent, they are people who earn more than average. They are also very much mobile and not necessarily attached to the place.
Covid will surely strengthen these tendencies on the labor market. The new generation will be much more digital and nomadic. Destinations and local tourist organizations should prepare for this.
The Long-Stay offer is a pensioner segment for development. Probably for a moment we will find more interesting offers. The first of the Dubai and Thailand give large grounds for optimism.
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