Small efficient travel offices also arise during Covid – a personalized service will always sell
Small compact offices are emerging during the covid time. Does their business model pay off ?
The TravelPoint24 office is an example that even in the times of drama in the industry there are willing to cope with the challenge of launching a new venture. Are compact offices serving business trips have chances on the market? Much indicates that yes.
A compact office – based on cashier perfection and personal relationships
Two friends who know each other from work in the industry of travel agencies with a business specialization have joined forces to create a new TRAVELPOINT24 entity.
The main advantage of this company is to be ultra-personalized based on friendly relations with the customer service. The founders willingly praise their passions, building an open climate in relations with potential clients.
As a Non-IATA office, they support access to a ticket content through one of the most recognizable agents in this field of Primapol. Here they can also count on more than partner relationships, and additionally the ticket office of the agent from Bielsko Biała is really strong. This will also be one of the advantages of the newly created office.
Sharing a passion for travel can help you win B2B partners, i.e. mainly other offices looking for group air tickets. Many years of cashier experience is an additional advantage especially with complicated multi-stage travels, for example to Africa. Such tickets are very difficult to book yourself.
Compact offices and automated systems will come out victorious from post-Covid reality
It seems that placing on the above advantages may turn out to be a hit. Tiny offices do not need to survive on the market of turnover counted in millions of zlotys a month. In addition, specialization in group tickets or tailor-made tourist packages provides higher than a standard margin.
In principle, several repetitive clients from the corporate / group segment will provide this type of offices a certain future. Of course, they must keep the promise of super-personnel service, it seems that technology also favors them here.
Next to the Micro-Office, the second win will certainly be a segment of tools for self-booking. Giving employees possibility to manage their journeys on their own. We gain high transparency here, saving time, plus the report module and the possibility of the definition of travel policy. We have more and more willing to manage this cake on the Polish market. Native start-ups like Stery or Hotailors come to compete with international solutions.
However, the medium and large TMC offices are waiting for a definitely more difficult future, they can have important problems with maintaining the current business model. The revolution in the TMC segment is already going on, in Great Britain, there are very interesting panel discussions on this subject. Certainly this trend will also reach Poland.
The customer still wants to pay for personalized service
The key to developing a place on the market by small offices is also ready to pay for personalized service by customers. Certainly it is often a conscious choice. The customer wants to talk and have a repetitive service provided by a specific person. There are cases where small companies even wrote the name and surname of the dedicated air cashier in the agency agreement.
On the other hand, the B2B client also does not always have full awareness how much such a personalized service costs. Especially in the area of group tickets and the FIT product, it may be difficult to discover it. Often, however, he worries a slight overpaid, usually works in the highly profitable industry. An additional cost of a row of several dozen or even PLN 100 per passenger may do not impress on it.
Certainly, such a state of affairs favors TravelPoint24
We keep our fingers crossed for the success of the project, because it is a ray of hope on a missed crisis of the business travel market. Perhaps it also preaches the reinforcement of the trend, which will lead to accelerating process automation on the one hand, and the expansion of super personal micro offices – on the other. In the middle, there may be too much space.
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