TUI is aggressively entering dynamic packaging market in Poland
Are TUI results of air ticket sales showing progress? Dynamic packaging will accelerate this trend? What are the chances for LOT to get support from the German giant?
The positive sales trend of dynamic packaging offers observed in recent weeks has a chance to additionally accelerate. Leader of the tourist market, TUI, comes into play. The results of airline ticket sales for two weeks of December confirm this clearly. TUI is placed among top 5 „biggest” agents in Poland even if the number of gross sales is not that big. But good to observe a positive dynamic versus last year.
Did TUI monitor an increase in sales to Dubai, Maldives, Mexico, and Zanzibar at the competition?
It seems that the earlier increase in sales recorded in this segment by the competition could not be appreciated by the German giant. The reasons for the sudden increase in sales in this segment may also be different. Namely resignation or limitation of charter services in order to minimize the risk.
Therefore, sales based on dynamic packing seem to be an excellent substitute for charters. Especially during a pandemic. Excellent airline offers also help. It’s hard not to notice Lufthansa’s prices to Cancun, similarly, attractive KLM / AF offers, and finally, Qatar Airways returning to Poland followed by Fly Dubai. All this favors the promotion of dynamic packaging.
Neckermann and Condor lesson
Let’s hope that there is also a chance to do Neckermann lessons in Poland. It was a missed opportunity in the area of dynamic packaging. The excellent prices that Condor offered within the group have never been given special attention and promotion on the Polish market. And the product especially in the Caribbean was good indeed.
Currently debt-free, Condor can be a partner again, this time for TUI. The resignation from the PGL investment also reopens the options of cooperation with Lufthansa. Only that the latter also sees the interest in regular flights to exotic destinations. However, both tendencies favor TUI and its investments in the area of dynamic packaging.
Will TUI also support LOT’s plans?
TUI was not among the important sellers of the summer 2020 offer of the Polish carrier. Will this change in 2021? It’s hard to say, it seems that the winter 2021/2 offer would be a greater chance for cooperation. Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about it in the case of LOT. It remains to be hoped that the dynamic winter demand for exotic destinations will convince LOT to invest in this field. Dubai, Oman, Egypt, and Jordan are waiting for the Polish carrier’s regular flights.
How other market leaders ITAKA, Rainbow or Ecco will react ?
TUI is the only market leader that builds sales so quickly as part of dynamic packaging. Are other market leaders able to answer? Itaka seems to be following a different path. The announcement of A330 flights to Zanzibar, Cuba, and Oman clearly shows the strategies of the leader from Opole.
Itaka will fly A330 to Oman Cuba and Zanzibar from 20th december
Rainbow and Ecco are in a slightly different situation. Both of which have traditionally relied on groups to sell their (regular airlines) long haul product. Now, this kind of sale is much more difficult. Are they able to react quickly to this new dynamic trend on the market?
For the time being Rainbow is trying to grab a part of the market by launching a charter products to Kenya. Seems a very wise move as it’s not too far and still a very attractive leisure destination. Last week brought another interesting news. Charter to Dominicana was announced by Rainbow Tours.
The growth in the dynamic packaging segment is very pleasing. It will allow creating mechanisms of quick and flexible reaction on the market. It will also encourage new players/tour operators to enter this segment. Undoubtedly, it also allows airlines to catch their breath. Who knows, maybe in the near future also online giants (resellers)such travelplanet or will try their hand at this area. Their e-commerce experience and large customer base could do wonders.
The airlines will try their best to help and support the expansion of dynamic packaging in Poland. Re-entering these days on PL market both Qatar Airways and Fly Dubai will have a serious challenge to fill up their planes. At least the very near future seems very challenging. It will make them open to any pro-sale initiatives, and prices for TOs should be really very attractive.
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