FCM Poland – the support of the global network helps to survive the covid crisis
FCM Travel Express wants to survive the crisis on the business travel market. When will it start with its own self-booking tool? How were costs reduced?
FCM Travel Express, a leading agent on the business travel services market in Poland, is not idle in times of crisis. New technologies and a lighter organization with the support of the global FCM network are to be a recipe for a victorious exit from oppression.
New self-booking tool – NDC and affordable implementation price
FCM Travel Express wants to actively join the competition in the field of self-booking tools. In the coming weeks, the Polish branch will have a tool prepared by the global network at its disposal.
It is to have a significant cost advantage over those offered by global GDSs. It will also offer implemented NDC of the LH and KL / AF groups. This is very important sales information. These two aviation groups may have a market share of almost 50% on the Polish market. NDC gives corporations significant savings.
With its new tool, FCM will be able to compete with other current or aspiring / innovative entities, such as Hotailors or Stery. The situation on the market of self-booking tools is getting really interesting.
Real-time reporting
Another area that FCM is proud of is reporting. The system offered by this office allows corporations to monitor spending on business trips in real time. It greatly simplifies the work of travel managers and the office’s key accounts. Few offices that support business trips in Poland are able to offer this type of tool.
The awards for the quality of service make the offer of the Warsaw office more credible
The office is also very proud of the awards it has received recently. Selection of FCM Travel Express in Poland as the Leading Travel Management Company 2020 by the World Travel Awards is particularly valuable as it was awarded at the request of the customers themselves. It emphasizes the high level of satisfaction and professionalism of the service offered by the Polish branch of the giant. Certainly, as soon as business trips start again, these types of references will help to attract new customers.
How to go covid – lighter organization, global support new business areas
We are all aware of the dramatic situation on the business travel market. Ticket sales drop by 80%, and offices are also starting to cut staff. What is the recipe for the transition of the crisis by FCM Travel Express.
This office also reduced operating costs, but the focus was on outsourcing in non-operational areas. The operational core of the organization remains intact. This will surely help to move forward in full swing faster as soon as the market allows you to catch your breath.
FCM Travel Express can also count on the support of a global network. It helps in acquiring customers both in Poland and in the countries of the region. The new FCM pipelines (contracted customers) provide over 40% sales growth for FCM Travel Express in 2021. Polish branch, having significantly lower costs than branches from Western Europe, can benefit from a hub approach to acquiring / servicing global customers. The global network also gives the above-mentioned technological support. The exchange of experiences in the field of response to the covid crisis is worth to mention too.
New business areas
Naturally, the office is also looking for other recipes for getting through the crisis. These are new areas of activity, just like other entities, efforts were made, inter alia, to offer additional services to customers. Mainly in the form of gift service during the holiday season.
An interesting area in which some TMC offices will certainly go is Cargo. It is a perfect complement to the service of business trips. FCM Travel Express is seriously considering acquiring competences in this area as well.
They also have hopes for the MICE segment. Many boutique event / mic agencies may not survive the crisis. Stronger organizations such as TMC will be in place. FCM Travel Express’s MICE department is well prepared for such an eventuality. Today, there is a growing interest in the offer of meetings organized in Poland. The announced opening of hotels will help strengthen this trend.
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