GIGLIKE subscription platform targeting contractors is debuting on the Polish market
What benefits for those working on B2B contracts may provide GIGLIKE and how to make life easier for companies employing contractors? Will it be a strong partner for tourism?
A new innovative project will debut on the Polish market. GIGLIKE is a platform that will make life easier in the subscription model working on contracts. This great, counted in millions of the market, is also a large potential cake for the tourism industry. Does GIGLIKE creates important synergies here? There is a chance.
Giglike is a subscription platform that offers packages for GIGers. Giger is an independent talent, working on the principle of a B2B contract. In the world, GIG Economy is already common, especially in the most dynamically developing global economies.
GIGLIKE target is to remove the weight of time / resources from GiGer to search for administrative and accounting solutions and other related activities needed to conduct their own activities.
Of course, apart from basic services like accounting, medical care, authorized signatures, the platform will also offer services in the field of transport, healthy lifestyle and in the future also tourism? In this business tourism, i.e. the automated management tool for Gigers duty travels.
All this is to be packaged in transparent subscription packages. Paid in one more convenient invoice.
It must be remembered that the GIGLIKE service market can be estimated potentially even in millions of users. Of course, the company has no ambition to handle all of everyone working on B2B agreements, they certainly reach for this most lucrative bite in the form of consulting, IT, gaming or medical industry.
GIGLIKE reduces risk / pain employing GIGers
In addition to the unusual advantages of the subscription form of services such as simplicity, competitive price and time saving. GIGLIKE is also a response to very important risk on the side of companies employing GIGers.
The GIGLIKE offer, which companies buy for their contractors minimizes/mitigates drastically formal/legal risk. First of all, those consisting in the possible transformation of cooperation relationship with GIGER to a standard contract. The GIGLIKE model is extremely useful here. Not to say mandatory.
And it must be admitted that taxation of various forms of employment contracts will grow realistically in the foreseeable future. B2B agreements will therefore become more and more common. Safety legal security for companies will be even more important than today.
There is also a gain from administrative and staffing weights, contractors management is a way through passion. GIGLIKE with his one invoice is a remedy for problems, and certainly in many places also a source of specific / relevant savings.
We start with the services necessary to work smooth, extras to follow
GIGLIKE, as we described, is higher from the basic so-called Necessary GIGers services / tools. They are offered in three GIGpasses. In the basic package, we get, among others Independent accounting or electronic signature, in the second one is already Company bank account, external accounting with the possibility of consultation, financial assistant or help in the establishment of a company, the third will contain an additional wider scope of accounting plus a global business package.
The company emphasizes that it also wants to offer packages made a tailor. Therefore, the basic GIGpasses can be completed about GIGbenefits as well as GIGkit services.
Certainly in Poland there will be a lot of companies that will want to add to service packages more sophisticated such as translations, Consierge Package, Insurance, Health Service, Legal Service or Financial Consulting. Not to mention Carsharing or business / holiday travels.
GIGLIKE will be a desirable partner for the tourism industry – subscription ambassador?
So we can expect Giglike for a moment in his subscription packages, also a tourist account. The platform can be a very interesting partner for the industry has a few advantages for her.
Potentially manages its services to a multi-million market, but it starts with its most lucrative part. The best-earning GIGers are certainly potential relevant consumers of tourist services.
The subscription model also causes that the conditions offered for this group by a particular supplier are not publicly available. Suppliers / Partners can therefore be willing to offer special conditions extras/ bonuses in the offer made especially for GiGLIKE.
GIGers due to their flexibility are also an interesting target for quick promotional campaigns. Organized by tourist organizations or tour operators. A good example here is to refer to them dedicated discounts. Something to the shape of the actions has recently taken by Malta.
Platform users can also be consumers of innovative services such as long-stay offers aimed at considering temporary work from warm / exotic destinations.
Tourism is still waiting for the popularization of subscribing models. The first attempts in the form of Odigeo or Tripadvisory agents are already after their debuts. For now, it is difficult to determine their effectiveness, certainly the direction has been set. GIGLIKE can contribute to popularizing a subscription approach both in holiday tourism and Business Travel.
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