Luxury Travel – market in Poland – more agents to compete in this lucrative niche
Which are the leaders in the Luxury Travel segment in Poland? Are boutique agents important players? What are new trends supporting the expansion golf tourism ?, women -only?
What was a couple of years ago almost unthinkable – became reality. The luxury travel market in Poland rose sharply in pre-Covid era. This is a great sign of buying power going up and confirms the demand for high-quality personal service too.
Luxury travel /Carter – starting from scratch to become a market leader
Luxury Travel agent renamed recently as Carter was the first bigger professional agency to offer complex and really targeted to that segment product. What started in 2003 as a small agent with 2-3 desks became a big and smart organization with a couple of offices. Including opened last year office in the most iconic business building in Poland – Zlota 44 Tower.
Luxury travel has built its position on the market specializing itself in really high-quality products. No compromise was made regarding this part of the business. The economic situation played in favor/ supporting agent evolution during the last years. Growing polish GDP, accessibility of flights with Emirates, Qatar and LOT flying directly to interesting destinations like Japan/ Corea/ Singapore and India – creating almost perfect conditions to grow luxury business.
Smaller agents to catch up
The big success of Luxury Travel – convinced the others to enter the market too. So relatively smaller agents were targeting that market too. Warsaw based Deluxe Club tried to replicate the successful pattern of Luxury Club. The other good example is Travel Stories, created by passionate people built its position on the high quality of service plus unique knowledge in culinary/vegan , African destinations and luxurious hotels making strong selling points out of that. Smaller agents could really offer super personal service which is really appreciated by clients.
Geographical specialization as a future trend
Some agents approaching the luxury segments tend to build its geographical specialization. A good example is Silesian based agent Tropical Sun. Its key offer is Dominicana/nearby zone, services includes luxury private cruises and weddings organization. All tailor-made for the need of the most demanding clients. This could be an interesting trend on the market too. Already mentioned Travel Stories has unique knowledge about African destinations.
Private Jets – going well another good sign for the luxury travel market in Poland
The private Jet market in Poland is going absolutely well. With more both local and foreign operators entering the market to boost competition. New boutique brokers like Mocca Jet are emerging too. Some of them are also targeting families/ luxury clients to offer unique personal service, already mentioned and good example is Mocca Jet. This is the first agent to implement Co2 consciousness in the market which became standard in western Europe. Last week also Polish number one IT company Comarch informed about private jet leasing. Seems that Poland is entering in the higher category market.
Golf tourism is going well too
Surprisingly also Golf Tourism is going well in Poland. As golf players cannot play during winter in the country. They are looking for alternatives abroad. What started with Turkey Italy and Spain as main golf destinations, recently evolved into a demand for more exotic ones. Polish players going now to Miami, Singapore, India, and Dubai. As the market is now quite well developed there are also travel agents fully specialized in that niche. Also, luxury market leaders as Carter has noticed growing demand and prepared special offers for golf players too, before Covid it was even considered to launch a dedicated parallel business fully dedicated to Golf Travelers. Women-only golf trips are offered by a small agent from Gdynia run by Katarzyna Bobińska.
Women-only – tourism gaining ground in Poland – new trend on the Polish market ?
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[…] czy PHH. Dalsze prace mogły by pójść w kierunku dodatkowej incentywizacji rosnących w Polsce segmentów luxury i branży MICE. Tak by właściciele programu skutecznie powalczyli o wysoko marżowe produktu […]