New flight ban in Poland. Only 10 countries are on the list
Tomorrow (Wednesday, 11th Novenber), a new regulation of the Council of Ministers on air traffic bans comes into force, submitted by the minister of infrastructure. On the list of 10 countries to which Polish airplanes cannot fly there are still: Georgia, Jordan and Montenegro. Polish passengers can only fly to the USA to airports located in the states of Illinois and New York.
According to the regulation adopted by the Council of Ministers and published in the Journal of Laws, from November 11, 2020, a landing ban on civil aircraft operating international flights from airports located in some countries will be prohibited. This is a new version of the restriction and the list of countries to which carriers cannot fly is significantly shorter.
The regulation states, that it is „forbidden to perform, at airports registered as civil airports and landing sites registered as landing areas, landing of civilian aircraft carrying passengers carrying international flights from airports located in the territory of:…”
The ban will apply to airports located in the territory of:
1) Bosnia and Herzegovina;
2) Montenegro;
3) Georgia;
4) the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;
5) the Argentine Republic;
6) the Republic of Armenia;
7) the Republic of Costa Rica;
8) the Lebanese Republic;
9) the Republic of North Macedonia;
10) United States of America, except for airports located in the territory of the states of Illinois and New York.
The ban does not apply to the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, the Schengen Area and Ukraine.
As the prohibition of flights also does not apply to countries that have notified Poland of the introduction of solutions ensuring that only passengers with a negative diagnostic test result for SARS-CoV-2 will be accepted on board the aircraft. Thus, you can fly from Poland to the United Arab Emirates.
The ban also does not apply to flights chartered – before the entry into force of the regulation – by tour operator or entity acting on its behalf. So charter flights to Tunisia are not prohibited.
The regulation will from 11 to 24 November 2020.
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