Polish start up Stery to build innovative self booking tool with support of OTA giant eSky :)
What innovations are Stery planning to bring to the business travel market? What is the role of eSky in this project? Is Travel Perk a role model?
Recently, electrifying information has reached the business travel market in Poland. The dynamic start up Stery from the Daftcode group is responsible for building an innovative Self Booking Tool. We already have several solutions of this type in operation in Poland.
By following the leaders to get added value
Undoubtedly, Stery must try hard to generate additional functionalities that the market will „buy”. They are certainly looking closely at the segment leaders. Travel Perk, whose offices are already close to Poland (Berlin), can be seen as a model. It offered several innovations, including Integration with AirBnB as well as a unique option of the guarantee mechanism of (almost) full refund.
The CEO of the start-up has initially indicated the areas in which they want to stand out. Including incentivization of employees using the tool. The system of small bonuses is to convince them to generate additional savings for employers. Innovation would also be the implementation of the Bleisure option. Allowing, among others, to extend business trips for the weekend or book a partner.
It is also easy to identify several other areas where further innovations are possible. First of all, monitoring of offers under the account of contract partners or pointing to negotiation opportunities for companies. For example, the Stery could generate push notifications when a certain level of trading is reached, allowing for additional discounts to be negotiated.
The Great eSky supports Stery
The involvement of eSky.pl, the largest Polish OTA, is not without significance in the whole puzzle. Even though eSky has its own self-booking solution, he decided to support the new project. Probably the reason for such a decision was mainly two arguments, solid medium-term financing obtained by Stery and the lack of strategic importance of the business segment for the company from Katowice.
However, eSky can bring a lot of valuable knowledge to this marriage. First of all, the positioning of airline and hotel partners. Knowledge in the field of integration of airlines (including NDC) and hotel ones. Finally, railway integrations of the largest Polish OTA. Let’s add a strong position in Eastern / Central Europe. Which would allow the new start-up to potentially benefit from business leads in this area. There is much more to synergy. eSky announces that it will soon present its role in this project in more detail.
Or maybe an open tool to sell to agents and for the purposes of public tenders
There is also a tempting prospect to build an open tool to which individual interested agents can pinch. Stery would earn on the license and ongoing service. They could also receive a part of commission/benefits from suppliers. An extremely interesting area for development could also be public tenders. If state institutions decided to automate their service. Which is likely to happen in the next few years.
Finally, the icing on the cake in the form of the potential involvement of eSky in the design of new loyalty programs / strategic cooperation with LOT. In this case, additional points could be used in loyalty programs for the promotion of self-booking tools. As was the case in the past with the implementation of an electronic ticket. Cooperation with LOT is also an opportunity for LOT Travel. Chance to receive a professional tool for self-booking, which is de facto not available at all today.
We are waiting for further information from eSky and Stery. It will certainly be another impulse for innovation in the business travel industry in Poland.
Only this name 🙂 is hardly associated with a business trip. In google it will certainly cause confusion, but here too is a marketing master, member of the eSky board, Łukasz Neska 🙂
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