Polish Prime Minister: winter holidays accumulated in two weeks. Tourist traffic is to be as low as possible
In Poland schools will remain closed until December 24 and there will be drastic changes in the organization of the winter holidays. They will start and end at the same time across the country, said Mateusz Morawiecki during a press conference. The government does not want people to book trips and discourages trips abroad.
“The holidays were always divided into different periods in different regions to spread out the tourist traffic, so that it could be bigger. But this year we don’t want it to be big. The holidays will be cumulated in one period, so that the tourist traffic is as small as possible, to book as little stays as possible, not to travel abroad, because a quarantine may be introduced, ”said Mateusz Morawiecki.
The winter holidays are to take place between January 4 and 17 throughout Poland.
Do not plan trips – advises the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
„We advise you not to order any trips, attractions, tourist trips, neither to Austria, nor to Italy or to other countries. Tourism, hotel and catering industry – we know that they suffer the most, there will be solutions for them. We will take particular care of these industries. But we have to ask Poles not to plan trips, not to organize large meetings, because this is when the greatest transmission of the virus occurs. ” – added Prime Minister Morawiecki.
„Children and young people will stay at home due to the ban on organizing trips for winter holidays. The government supports the tourism industry. Entrepreneurs who operate in the winter tourism industry can also count on help. They will receive compensation that will help mitigate the effects of the crisis” – reads the official government website.
Morawiecki urges us not to move around during holidays and to spend them in a small family circle. Retail outlets will be opened on November 28, but the gastronomy will remain closed.
Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin announced that work on new solutions for entrepreneurs is underway. It is about long-term investment loans. „We are trying to let the European Commission agree to this form of aid and that the installments are covered by the Polish Development Fund,” he said.
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