Thailand opens on tourists – Virtual Travel Day tomorrow at 10
Thailand returns to the market in a great style. Does it prepare something extra? We advise – discounts for tickets and for the industry would give effect.
One of the key tourist markets for travel Poles trying to return to the stage. It will certainly be very active measures, especially since the competition is not sleeping. The popularity of Dubai and other exotic destinations will continue to grow.
Travel Day for the tourism industry
Thai tourist organization starts with virtual presentations for the needs of the tourism industry in our country. The first of them will take place on Wednesday, March 31 at 10.00 link under which we can register can be found here.
Thai plans a short presentation of the local management of the Organization from Prague, after which it is to take place live with the most popular destinations in their country. We will have a chance to listen to Phuket and Kho sa Mui.
Responding to the needs of the industry, two DMC representatives were invited to participate. Interestingly, the Poles are in both forfeit representatives of companies. This quite well indicates interest in our market and tied with it.
Phuket already opens in a moment from July 1st
Good news reached us in front of several days. Sources from Thailand confirmed that the Phuket zone will open to the international tourist traffic from 1 July. Thai authorities want to let vaccinated tourists. It is also guarded to be T, if the entiring one or two doses of the vaccine accepted.
Return to the tourist Thailand market comes in a difficult moment. The largest tour operators, like Itaka or Rainbow have already announced their charter plans for summer and winter. They place a Caribbean and other islands, like Maldives / Zanzibar / Green Cape.
Also LOT that will show its network for winter 2021/22 for a moment. Rather,it will not decide on Thailand, directingr attention to Cancun and Dubai. Thai tourist organization must try hard.
Necessary dynamic actions TAT to decide on aggressive code promotions or discounts for the industry?
It seems that a large competitive challenge may result in the necessity of very aggressive actions. For years, we are waiting for an organization that dares to reach for aggressive actions based on discounts on airline tickets.
Offering vouchers of values, eg 100 USD per client/a customer could generate a powerful marketing involvement of bloggers and tourist media, as well as translate into a significant number of reservations.
It is quite strange that tourist organizations are so rarely use this kind of tools. After all, they have a lot of advantages, they are very measurable. We know how many people have downloaded the code how many people bought a ticket that movement for / landing page was generated.
This is in our opinion quite interesting form of promotion. Comparing to great amounts spent for marketing actions or paying big tour operators.
Discounts for industry staff
The second one does not use a niche is the discount option for employees of the Travel Agency. The first swallows in the form of Turkish lines of Corendon also appear here. Offering employees of discounts on air tickets and / or hotels in destination can be a very good idea. It can generate additional demand. In addition, they acquire product knowledge they will use in the sale of destinations in the future.
For today, very little airlines can offer you interesting and easy to apply here. The crisis, however, forces you to look for creative solutions, one of them can be such a kind of promotion.
At one time in Italy there was even a travel agency, which aggregated offers for employees from the industry and for a very long time was succesfull. Of course, in the case of promotion for the industry, always a challenge is to verify current employment. However, you can deal with it.
Or maybe Long Hotel Stay Offer for digital nomads?
There is also an interesting proposal to address Thailand’s offer for digital nomads. Such a niche are already trying to manage competitors, inviting you working remotely. The offers of this type prepared by Hotels from Dubai can be chosen. Thailand, like Dubai, has an important climate advantage during the Polish winter. Additionally this is also a very competitive destination in terms of life costs.
We are waiting for News from Thailand with the hope that the crisis will liberate new creativity layers in tees. The observation of Dubai / Park and Resorts promotion activities and Saudi Arabia will help in an adequate response to competition actions.
Saudi Arabia opens an tourism office for Central Europe – HQ in Warsaw or Prague?
Welcome to tomorrow’s Workshop link to registration.
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