Turkish Airlines will also fight for exotic destinations – Maldives, Mexico, Havana, Zanzibar, Bali
Turkish returns with a larger number of flights to Poland. This means that we have a greater chance for good prices for an exotic destinations from Warsaw. Turkish is present on almost all the best-selling directions. And he will certainly compete in the future for Thailand and Vietnam.
From the end of March, we are flying 5 times a week on the route to Istanbul
Together with the last days of March, Turkish Airlines are flying five times a week to Warsaw. Ambitions are much larger, Turkey lines hope that it will be possible to return to offering pre epidemic before our vacation. What is the basis for such optimism?
Certainly, the activation of the whole range of exotic directions is such a reason. In Poland, it’s still these directions to sell best. In addition, the star of this season, i.e. Dubai, is „on the way”. The offer for Dubai Via Istanbul will therefore be very competitive. And flying five times a week gives the right product for business travelers too.
Maldives, Zanzibar, Bali and Vietnam for little above PLN 2000
Over the last dozen or so days we had a real lot of super offers for exotic directions from the Turkish line. This coincides with information about increasing the number of flights from Warsaw. Certainly, this state of affairs will last a time. After all, increasing the number of places offered by almost 70 percent. It necessities the need to fill freshly opened for sales planes.
Thailand – Phuket moves from July – here also Turkish will fight about Polish clients
Thailand also returns to the tourist market, last week we had the first Workshop for agents. Promoting, among others Quarantine Long-Stay offer. It seems that Thailand will want to fight very dynamically about Polish clients. After all, she lost a palm of priority among winter asylum for Poles.
Phuket opens for vaccinated from July 1. Although Poles did not fly to Thailand in the summer, the super attractive price offer can help you convince them to such a solution. The more so because on related markets, eg in Ukraine, Thailand in the summer sells very well. Perhaps also the Long-Stay offer for „digital nomads”.
Is there a place for greater cooperation with LOT?
We wait all the time for the announcement of a winter / exotic network through LOT. It seems that a large-desirable for LOT would be a partner with which one could harmonize an offer, among others To the aforementioned Dubai.
Collaboration from Turkish would allow to give an excellent product to Turkey itself (Antalya). And other directions for which Istanbul is on the way. It’s About the Gulf Countries, like Oman or Saudi Arabia, but also closer to Egypt.
It is difficult to find a better potential partner for LOT. Comparable synergy, such as with TK, could only give Tap Portugal.
Turkish airlines try to be creative on offer for corporations
Turkish uses the time of pandemic to remodeling the corporate offer. It is obvious that in the present times it is difficult to count on acquiring customers who can legitize turn over of 100,000. PLN, which would predispose to the „real” corporate contract with this line. The response are new less demanding concepts for the corporate market.
This solution is a cluster agreement. If You are an association or a relationship / group of companies than can use a better than standard offer in this layout. This is a very compact and development solution. It also allows you to effectively compete with offers for small businesses offered by competitors from both Europe and from the Gulf
Clustering offer is not the only disposal to help compete for the business travel market. The last weapon of the Turks is the offer for small and medium-sized companies. Within it, the agent, an airline seller, gets the opportunity to offer reduced prices for their company partners.
Turkish will also compete for the dynamic package market
Increasing the number of connections between Warsaw and Istanbul Turkish may be tempted to fight for a dynamic client. Tour operator tariffs help to convince intermediaries to put on this carrier.
Very good prices in Dubai this is certainly a good news for the dynamic packaging offer of Best Reisen, Exim, Top Touristik or Nekera.
Dubai is certainly not the only destination that can give Turks an additional impulse. Sharm El Sheikh can be passed behind the favorite holiday. Turkish can certainly be a competitor for charters. A new airport in Alexandria is also about the Polish client.
In the future, we can also expect special ski offers. Turkey is a direction that can interest seeking novelties on a ski market. And the fact that Poland’s potential for a ski trip is powerful, among others Swiss example demonstrate it.
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