UAE destinations in expansion mode in CEE region/Poland – Wizz and LOT will boost the trend ?
There is no end to announcing new attractions in the UAE? Is the boom going on? Will Wizz Air and LOT further boost this trend?
The tourist potential of the Emirates is growing in no time thanks to the investments planned on a large scale. Covid also adds its own advantages. The Emirates are a destination that sells well in the winter season.
The Emirates will join forces to jointly create a tourist brand
It is worth noting the declarations of Mahamed Khaliff Al Mubarak from the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism. It makes it clear that the Emirates will be working hard on a common marketing strategy / one brand.
Naturally, taking into account the diversity and advantages that individual UAE members have to offer.
It should be expected that joint action means even greater power of marketing message and global reach. Including the region of Central Europe / Poland that interests us.
Ras Al Kahaimah – awards and free PCR tests to support tourism
The emirate of Ras Al Khaimah has traditionally been very active in communicating pro-sales information. The Emirate was selected as the most important tourist destination for the second time in a row by the tourism ministers of the Gulf countries.
It also continues to invest in the diversification of the offer. Mainly focusing on the new offer in the Jebel Jais mountain range. A tribute to tourists is also the introduction of free PCR tests, carried out on the basis of ultra-modern medical infrastructure.
Emirate is also constantly working on an offer for sports fans, including runners. Charting new fast routes predisposed to break records.
New Dubai attractions and ecological accents
The most famous destination of the UAE, i.e. Dubai, does not cease to develop its offer. In 2021, it announces the opening of a number of new super attractions. Which will hit the shifted Covid Expo.
New issues related to ecology and sustainable growth also appear in the promotion of Dubai. The announcement of the protection of local fauna and flora fits perfectly into the current global trends.
Wizz Air will increase the accessibility of the Middle East to an area of increased interest
A careful market observer cannot miss the expansion in the Emirates of the largest low cost airline in Central Europe, ie Wizz Air. The new A321 planes will allow airline to spread your wings. We will certainly see new connections connecting our region with the emirates. In the future, Wizz Air may also successfully act as a transport provider for further flights to the lines from the bay. However, it will certainly contribute to greater accessibility of the Emirates and will help to generate both new individual and group / Mice traffic.
A fresh interview with the CEO of Wizz Air on this subject is available on YouTube.
Fly Dubai looks at Eastern Europe – it will fly to Minsk
Another cheap carrier from the bay, Fly Dubai, does not give up either. Returns to the massive order for the 737 MAX. As these planes are just starting to fly again, it is also possible to resume the previously planned mass expansion.
Part of it will certainly be an increase in routes to Central and Eastern Europe. The announced connection to Minsk is a foretaste.
We can also expect more Polish connections of the carrier sooner or later, Gdańsk and Wrocław seem to be strong candidates. Especially if LOT is delaying the launch of the Warsaw Dubai connection.
Tickets to Dubai from Poland are selling great
There has been an increased demand for flights to Dubai since late fall. Dynamic packaging, as well as business traffic, make this direction a constant guest among the first three most important destinations from Poland. February is no different, after the first week, Dubai comes first.
Interestingly, this allows the agent specializing in dynamic ticketing, i.e. Hurra, to register in the first place among IATA agents. The situation in the history of the Polish BSP is unprecedented.
LOT is looking for a plane to fly to Dubai?
It is hard to believe that the above information escaped the attention of the national carrier. Certainly, the only obstacle is the lack of a suitable plane. But in this day and age it’s a hassle to jump over easily.
As we mentioned, LOT is not a beneficiary of the boom on airline tickets to Dubai, Cancun, Zanzibar or the Maldives. Of course, it benefits from this trend by launching additional charters, but the regular network remains without these sale options.
Dubai would certainly fill that gap. All the more so as not only tourist/group traffic is growing, but also the most anticipated, ie corporate. We are waiting for good news from LOT.
Certainly, LOT could count on the support of tour operators that offer Ras al Khaimah, we can also see the trend o expand the offer in the Emirates. The newest tourist product is Fujairah which has just been announced by Rainbow.
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